It has been almost a year now since I took my trip to India. I still think about it a lot, and hope to return there someday. One interesting aftermath from my trip: After each meal there, I ate a handful of fennel seed. This is used to help control the stomache to not get sick from the spices and such. Since coming home I and my wife have been using fennel seed regularly (you can get it in an Indian grocer) and my wife no longer needs to take her stomach medication. My doctor was impressed and mentioned that a product 'GripWater' that is used in Europe for cullicy babies he believed used fennel extract (it does).
I'm currently thinking what I want to write about next. My brother is currently contributing to a very popular political blog ( and is writing one (, but that's really not my cup of tea. I'm thinking about one focused on food since that really is my greatest love of life.
I'm currently thinking what I want to write about next. My brother is currently contributing to a very popular political blog ( and is writing one (, but that's really not my cup of tea. I'm thinking about one focused on food since that really is my greatest love of life.