If I had to pick the two biggest differences between the US and India it would be the Rich/Poor gap and Infrastructure.
Like a lot of developing countries there is a (relatively) small group of wealthy that live very well (servants, drivers, nice houses, etc...) and really have all the modern conveniences American's are used to (even DSL in their home). However, the poor live in extreme poverty. This is very challenging for the government, as they have to make policy to support both these groups. Schooling is really the big thing they push to try and get the rural areas more educated. There is an emerging middle-class, but it is really an upper-upper middle class, not what we consider middle-class. It’s a bit weird to see such wealth and poverty so close together. A picture down the main street will see crippled people begging for money, a farmer selling fruit, cars driving, a cow chewing its cud, and a cell-phone company store all in one scene.
Infrastructure is really the other thing. Power goes out regularly; people don’t even really pay attention to it. Happened to be in an elevator once, which was a bit disconcerting. In fact, it least to the only time I’ve heard sarcasm here, an elder Indian said ‘Oh, Wonderful!’ Water is available, but it not safe to drink in general. Phone service seems to be semi-reliable, but cell-phones are quickly replacing them it seems. By American standards the infrastructure here would just seem cluttered. Streets are disorganized and unclean; you’ll se exposed wires attaching a phone to a line, etc….
Like a lot of developing countries there is a (relatively) small group of wealthy that live very well (servants, drivers, nice houses, etc...) and really have all the modern conveniences American's are used to (even DSL in their home). However, the poor live in extreme poverty. This is very challenging for the government, as they have to make policy to support both these groups. Schooling is really the big thing they push to try and get the rural areas more educated. There is an emerging middle-class, but it is really an upper-upper middle class, not what we consider middle-class. It’s a bit weird to see such wealth and poverty so close together. A picture down the main street will see crippled people begging for money, a farmer selling fruit, cars driving, a cow chewing its cud, and a cell-phone company store all in one scene.
Infrastructure is really the other thing. Power goes out regularly; people don’t even really pay attention to it. Happened to be in an elevator once, which was a bit disconcerting. In fact, it least to the only time I’ve heard sarcasm here, an elder Indian said ‘Oh, Wonderful!’ Water is available, but it not safe to drink in general. Phone service seems to be semi-reliable, but cell-phones are quickly replacing them it seems. By American standards the infrastructure here would just seem cluttered. Streets are disorganized and unclean; you’ll se exposed wires attaching a phone to a line, etc….
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